Inspired by the Phoenix is not your application presentation, I dug into Phoenix's internals to investigate how to use a custom WebSockets protocol while retaining the well-thought abstractions and patterns. I'm especially referring to Phoenix's solid pubsub backends, integration with the Cowboy HTTP server, and configuration/logging handling.
I was surprised to see that the code involved is very small and readable, with the exception of some magic patterns to shuffle between various shapes of return values, GenServer state changes, and the like. On the bright side, such code would have been hair-pulling to implement in a language without pattern matching.
What follows is a log of my journey through the code base, and all the moving pieces that come together for Phoenix's awesome WebSockets support.
First, we take a top down look at how a Phoenix application is configured to handle WebSockets, starting from the user-provided entry point and reaching the configuration of the Cowboy HTTP server.
Your application's endpoint will use Phoenix.Endpoint
and have one or more calls to
its socket
macro to set up the URLs that will be handling websockets. The socket
macro accumulates socket information in the @phoenix_sockets
defmacro socket(path, module) do
quote do
@phoenix_sockets {unquote(path), unquote(module)}
and the __before_compile__
macro creates a function that returns that
attribute itself:
defmacro __before_compile__(env) do
sockets = Module.get_attribute(env.module, :phoenix_sockets)
quote do
def __sockets__, do: unquote(sockets)
The Endpoint
also starts the Adapter
supervision loop:
def start_link do
Adapter.start_link(@otp_app, __MODULE__)
The supervisor tree includes a Phoenix.Endpoint.Server
supervisor, that
we're going to look at next.
Calls back to the CowboyHandler
and starts supervising the child_spec
it returns.
The child_spec
function looks at the sockets defined in the Endpoint
. It
looks up the corresponding transport for each one and passes the bunch to the
Cowboy adapter.
This section traces the flow of data arriving as a WebSockets message as it bubbles up towards the application logic the developer has implemented. This will take a bottom-up perspective, from the Cowboy handler to the user- provided callbacks.
When incoming messages arrive on the wire, Cowboy calls the appropriate functions on the
module. In turn, these pass the payload up to the
corresponding function in the Transports.WebSocket
module, such as:
def websocket_handle({opcode = :text, payload}, req, {handler, state}) do
handle_reply req, handler, handler.ws_handle(opcode, payload, state)
implements the Socket.Transport
behaviour and uses many convenience functions defined there to handle connection, disconnection, serialization, and deserialization. In a sense, it acts as a middleman between the socket and the channel, shuffling messages back and forth when appropriate.
On connection, Transports.WebSocket
calls back to the connect
in Socket.Transport
. After setting up a new Socket
struct that will be
kept as part of the process state, that function calls back the connect
function in the user-defined module to handle authentication.
Incoming messages (ws_handle
), are dispatched to the right channel using the Socket.Transport.dispatch
function, that figures out the right channel by looking at the HashDict
def dispatch(%Message{} = msg, channels, socket) do
|> HashDict.get(msg.topic)
|> do_dispatch(msg, socket)
and then actually sends the payload to the Channel
defp do_dispatch(channel_pid, msg, _socket) do
send(channel_pid, msg)
Especially interesting is the dispatch
function that handles new topic topic
subscriptions, with signature:
defp do_dispatch(nil, %{event: "phx_join", topic: topic} = msg, socket) do
that checks whether the user has defined a channel corresponding to the current topic,
if channel = socket.handler.__channel__(topic, socket.transport_name) do
socket = %Socket{socket | topic: topic, channel: channel}
has the Socket
Phoenix.Channel.Server.join(socket, msg.payload)
and replies positively to the client:
{:joined, pid, %Reply{ref: msg.ref, topic: topic, status: :ok, payload: response}}
As the Channel
module itself is only a behaviour that user code needs to
adhere to, most of the actual functionality is implemented in the Genserver at
. Each new socket connection causes a new Channel.Server
be spun up. Precisely, it's the transport that calls the join
function in
the Channel.Server
def join(socket, auth_payload) do
ref = make_ref()
case GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, {socket, auth_payload, self(), ref}) do
in the init
GenServer callback, the channel asks the Pubsub.Server
subscribe to its topic:
PubSub.subscribe(socket.pubsub_server, self(), socket.topic,
and then messages itself back the result of the subscription, so that it can handle messages.
Broadcasts are sent through the pubsub server:
def broadcast(pubsub_server, topic, event, payload) do
PubSub.broadcast pubsub_server, topic, %Broadcast{
topic: topic,
event: event,
payload: payload
Finally, messages received from the pubsub server are handled by the user's
application logic implemented in the channel's handle_in
def handle_info(%Message{topic: topic, event: event, payload: payload, ref: ref},
%{topic: topic} = socket) do
|>, put_in(socket.ref, ref))
|> handle_result(:handle_in)
While well thought-out, the internals are pretty tightly coupled to the topic- based nature of Phoenix's WS protocol. Transports, channels, and the pubsub server all operate by switching messages based on their topic. While flexibile enough for most clean-slate real time applications, this choice makes it somewhat hard to retro-fit an existing protocol without overhauling significant parts of the stack.