
Nicolò Valigi | articles | talks

History of distributed architectures for Reinforcement Learning

ML Systems

Concurrency and parallelism in ROS 1 and ROS 2: Linux kernel tools

Robotics Systems

Concurrency and parallelism in ROS 1 and ROS 2: application APIs

Robotics Systems

Benchmarking Occupancy Mapping libraries

Robotics Systems

Gradient Boosting in TensorFlow vs XGBoost

ML Algorithms

Naive Bayes classifiers in TensorFlow

ML Algorithms

Faster Bazel builds with remote caching: a benchmark

Build Tooling

Benchmarking the Bazel build system on real-life C++

Build Tooling

A review of deep learning models for semantic segmentation

ML Algorithms

Converting a Deep learning model from Caffe to Keras

ML Algorithms

Car speed estimation from a windshield camera

Visual Localization and Mapping

Reading list for the Udacity self-driving car challenge #3

Visual Localization and Mapping

Short history of the Inception deep learning architecture

ML Algorithms

SLAM loop closure with TensorFlow

Visual Localization and Mapping

Simple bag-of-words loop closure for visual SLAM

Visual Localization and Mapping

How can Deep Learning help Robotics and SLAM

Visual Localization and Mapping

Open source Visual SLAM evaluation

Visual Localization and Mapping

Robotics for developers 6/6: adding an accelerometer

Visual Localization and Mapping

Robotics for developers 5/6: exploring a bigger world

Visual Localization and Mapping

Robotics for developers 4/6: tracking the robot over time

Visual Localization and Mapping

Robotics for developers 3/6: using the camera

Visual Localization and Mapping

Robotics for developers 2/6: SLAM with ROS

Visual Localization and Mapping

Robotics for developers 1/6: getting started

Visual Localization and Mapping

Phoenix WebSockets from the ground up

Backend Engineering